Statement attributable to UNFPA Representative for Somalia, Mr. Anders Thomsen on the rape of an 11-year old girl in Somalia

wswswUNFPA Somalia condemn the horrendous act where an 11-year-old was raped on Tuesday this week as she was seemingly returning home from the marketplace in Wardhiigleey District, Mogadishu, Somalia.

It is with great dismay and shock that we continue to see such acts happening frequently. We stand with the family of the girl and call for justice not only to this incident, but to the many cases of sexual violence that continue to threaten the well-being and safety of girls and women in Somalia.

Violence against women and girls is a grave violation of human rights. It is disheartening to see such acts happening during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.

We all need to work together to ensure the availability of adequate protection measures for girls and women in Somalia and we call for the speedy passage into law the Sexual Offences Bill which has been pending adoption in the country’s Parliament.